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Reflection Question 1
What were some of the behaviors banned in early 20th-century editions of the Book of Discipline?
1) Drinking alcohol and caffeine
2) Wearing jewelry of any kind
3) Smoking tobacco
4) All of the above
Reflection Question 2
What was the priority shift in the FMC in the early 20th century?
1) From discipleship to evangelism
2) From evangelism to discipleship and pastoral care
3) From pastoral care to missionary work
4) From missionary work to church administration
Reflection Question 3
When was the resolution passed in the FMC to give women equal status with men in the ministry of the church?
1) 1890
2) 1911
3) 1974
4) 1999
Reflection Question 4
How did the early Free Methodist Church address the challenges of rapid growth and the need for discipleship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
Reflection Question 5
What are the three ways in which Wesleyan Holiness distinctives manifest as mission in the Free Methodist Church today?
Reflection Question 6
How can the Free Methodist Church navigate the challenges and societal changes of the 21st century while remaining faithful to its heritage?